Everything necessary to guarantee a good recovery
Hospitalization at Hospital Bluecare Partners is designed so that our patients feel comfortable during their stay, which will undoubtedly have an impact ongreater well-being and onebetter recovery.
We have 5 specialized hospitalization roomsdepending on animal species and pathological conditionof each patient: exclusive dog room, exclusive cat room, isolation room, ICU stay and outpatient hospitalization room.
TheHospitalized patients receive 24-hour care:During your stay, our team monitors your vital signs to assess changes and act accordingly.
We have the best facilities at your disposal
One of the main characteristics that distinguishes Hospital Bluecare Partners is thebreadth of its facilities.
We have a great space for our clients and patients to feel comfortable. This, in addition toreduce stress and anxiety associated with waiting and management in consultation, allows us to have all thenecessary equipment within each room, facilitating the work and optimizing the time of our veterinary professionals.
The construction of the hospital has been carried out taking into account the recommendations of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) with the aim of optimizing space and improving the accessibility and maneuverability of the rooms, using modern and innovative materials thatMinimize sound or allow in natural light.
The Bluecare Partners Hospital has been built seeking thecomfort of patients and their families. For this reason, in our center you will find spacious and quiet spaces: waiting rooms facing the sea, twelve separate consultation rooms and a physiotherapy room.
Enfermedades del disco intervertebral Comunes en razas de perros como Dachshunds (Teckels) y Bulldogs, las hernias discales pueden causar dolor severo y parálisis. Ofrecemos evaluaciones completas y tratamientos quirúrgicos avanzados para aliviar la compresión de la médula espinal.
Convulsiones y Epilepsia Trabajamos para identificar las causas subyacentes de las convulsiones, proporcionando planes de manejo individualizados para controlar y reducir la frecuencia de los episodios epilépticos en perros y gatos.
Tumores Cerebrales y de Médula Espinal Detectamos y tratamos tumores con una combinación de cirugía, quimioterapia y radioterapia, asegurando el enfoque más efectivo para cada caso específico.
Anomalías Congénitas Identificamos y manejamos problemas neurológicos congénitos en cachorros y gatitos, como hidrocefalia y malformaciones de Chiari, brindando intervenciones tempranas para mejorar la calidad de vida.
Trastornos Neuromusculares: Abordamos enfermedades como la miastenia gravis y las neuropatías periféricas, realizando diagnósticos precisos mediante pruebas laboratoriales y biopsias de nervio y músculo para ofrecer tratamientos específicos y eficaces.
Encefalitis y Meningitis Las infecciones e inflamaciones del cerebro y la médula espinal requieren diagnósticos precisos y tratamientos agresivos. Utilizamos técnicas de imagen avanzadas y pruebas de laboratorio para determinar el origen de la inflamación y proporcionar el tratamiento adecuado.

The best equipment at the service of our clients
Bluecare Partners Hospital is conceived as a specialty center characterized by aadvanced level of diagnosis thanks to state-of-the-art equipment.
Thus, we make technologies at the forefront of veterinary medicine available to our clients, such asT.C.(Computed Tomography) multi-slice andMagnetic resonance (MRI), fluoroscopy, digital radiology and Doppler ultrasound. With them, we can perform non-invasive examinations for our patients that reveal immediate results, being able to instantly diagnose pathologies of the nervous system, internal organs, etc.
In the surgical area we have everything necessary and exceptional surgical conditions toguarantee the best results in each intervention:pre-operating room, instrument room, sterilization room, changing room and three fully equipped operating rooms with inhalation anesthesia, artificial ventilation, monitoring, LED lighting, electric surgical tables with articulated, interchangeable and heated countertops, conductive floors, antibacterial walls and ceilings, ozonized environment and ultra-microfiltered air.
All of this allows us to meet the highest quality standards and offer excellent service to our patients.